I was thinking of how to present some of the ideas and I looked back through my plethora of Animation Mentor newsletters to see what I could find to spark my brain. Way back when, Shawn Kelly wrote a Tips And Tricks article on Operative Words and I was so happy to re-read it and see how simply I could present this tricky, yet simple, and all-important idea.
I decided to illustrate some of the points (for clarity for my pupil's sake) about how, by simply changing the Operative Word, you dramatically change the performance. The real key here is to choose one idea to drive a scene (if the scene is really long you might be able to get away with two ideas).
Here's the first idea (Emphasis on "I"):

And finally the third idea(Emphasis on "You"):

When you see them side by side like this, it's obvious that a short line like "I love you" can only have one main idea driving it. Imagine how awkward this would feel if all three of those ideas were included in the same performance? The performance would be way over the top, and it wouldn't even work unless the line was delivered the same manic, slobbering, over-reaching sort of way. I can easily imagine that the girl's expression in the third panel would be a look of utter fear if the guy did all three of those gestures!